
my name is

Sunday, November 12, 2017

my cool hero blog

DO YOU KNOW KI HAJAR DEWANTARA?He is the one who establish TAMAN SISWA!His real name is Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat.He born at May 2,1889,Yogyakarta.His parent's names is Raden Ayu Sandiah & Pangeran Soerjaningat.His INTERESTING FACTS is:1.his family ranked to the ROYAL HOUSE OF Yogyakarta.2.He use to work as a journalist and wrote for newspapers.3.His birthday was celebrated in May 2 declared as Indonesia national education day.His education was in STOVIA,a hospital school.He died at April 26,1959,Yogyakarta.His activities were:1.Ki hajar Dewantara is active in political and social organization Boedi Oetomo.2.Ki Hajar Dewantara organize Boedi Oetomo 1 conggres in Jogjakarta.His contribution to indonesia:He establish Taman Siswa school in Jogjakarta.He coined a famous proverb on education,Tut Wuri Handayani.In 1950,Ki Hajar Dewantara was appointed as Indonesian minister of education and culture.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

what i think about blogging

                                 what i                                        think about 

                                                         is that
                                 it is like                    programming.and it                             has                             cool features.it is like you're doing important things like you're in the 

office.you can post anything.like drawings or 